Improving The ROP Exploit

Posted on Wed 14 January 2015 in x86-32 Linux • Tagged with exploit development, linux, 32bit, fuzzing, buffer overflow, rop

Adding to the last return orientated programming exploit by using a few more advanced ROP techniques

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Beating ASLR and NX using ROP

Posted on Sun 11 January 2015 in x86-32 Linux • Tagged with exploit development, linux, 32bit, fuzzing, buffer overflow, rop

Using return orientated programming to beat both address space layout randomization and never execute on 32bit Linux

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Ret2Libc and ROP

Posted on Wed 06 August 2014 in x86-32 Linux • Tagged with exploit development, linux, 32bit, fuzzing, buffer overflow, rop, ret2libc

Exploiting a buffer overflow by using return to libc and basic return orientated programming to beat certain protections including never execute (NX)

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Beating ASLR

Posted on Mon 07 July 2014 in x86-32 Linux • Tagged with exploit development, linux, 32bit, aslr, buffer overflow

Exploiting a buffer overflow vulnerability with address space layout randomization in place

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Basic Binary Auditing

Posted on Tue 01 July 2014 in Reverse Engineering • Tagged with exploit development, linux, 32bit, reverse engineering, buffer overflow, debugging

Detecting buffer overflows, format string and integer overflow vulnerabilities using binary analysis in gdb on 32bit Linux

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Remote Exploitation

Posted on Thu 12 June 2014 in x86-32 Linux • Tagged with exploit development, linux, 32bit, fuzzing, buffer overflow

Hacking a network service with a buffer overflow vulnerability on 32bit Linux without stack protections

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Plain Format String Vulnerability

Posted on Tue 20 May 2014 in x86-32 Linux • Tagged with exploit development, linux, 32bit, fuzzing, format string

Finding, exploiting and fixing a simple format string vulnerability on 32bit Linux without any stack protections

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Plain Buffer Overflow

Posted on Thu 08 May 2014 in x86-32 Linux • Tagged with exploit development, linux, 32bit, fuzzing, buffer overflow

Finding, exploiting and fixing a simple buffer overflow on 32bit Linux without stack protections

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